General Shipping Information

  • After the roasting process, our low acid coffees are shipped to your door Monday through Friday only.
  • With rare exception, all orders are shipped via USPS.
  • We endeavor to ship packages the next business day after an order is made.
  • If you received the incorrect order or are experiencing a delay with your order, please send us a message on our contact form, or email us at with your name and order number, and we will promptly attempt to resolve any issues you may have.
  • We will try and provide tracking information with every order. If your order hasn't updated tracking in two days, please feel free to contact us.
  • If you don't see your order after a delivery notification, please contact us so we can assist.
  • Still have an issue? Send over a note via our contact form with your name and order number, and Pangea will do whatever we can to help.


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A: Pangea Coffee is specialty grade which is drastically different from other coffees like Starbucks or Nestle. After sourcing the finest beans in the world, our coffees are then roasted to achieve low acidity and bitterness, and maximum flavor to create a superior coffee experience for our consumer. Your well-being is important to us at Pangea, and we are devoted to ensuring the most digestible and delicious coffee experience possible.
A: Pangea sources specialty grade beans from trusted farms and meticulously roasts them to highlight their unique flavors all while minimizing acidity and bitterness.
A: Our coffees are packed and sealed right off the roast, meaning that our coffees are best up until 4 months from the roast date. That means that most of our notes are at their most flavorful up until then.
A: Yes, all our coffees are rigorously tested to ensure they are free of mold. Pangea Coffee has one licensed Q grader on staff and another that is formally licensed that tests our coffees for "sours" aka mold. Pangea samples all our green coffee before purchasing and continually grades the beans as we roast. If we find multiple sours in a sample, we don't purchase the coffee to roast. Fortunately for the coffee snob, specialty coffees are largely insulated from mold due to the high standards with which they are roasted. The coffees that are usually tainted with mold are more commonly sold on the commodity market (supermarkets etc.)
A: In terms of the entire coffee market, we only work with the top 1% coffee producers. The quality concerns that come with commodity coffee (supermarket coffee) are not as evident in specialty coffee. This is because our producers are testing, controlling variables, and producing the best possible coffee they can.
A: Our coffee is versatile and works well with various brewing methods, including drip, French press, and pour-over. Check our social media pages for brewing tips and recommendations.
A: Our coffees are seasonal, and most are harvested with organic methods. If you have a specific question about a particular coffee, reach out to our team if you have any questions.
A: Yes, Pangea is committed to sustainability through eco-friendly packaging and responsible sourcing practices that support coffee-producing communities.
A: Seeing as coffee is 98% water, starting with high quality water will often be the best and cheapest way to upgrade your home coffee game. ALSO, OBRAINING A GRINDER will greatly enhance your coffee drinking experience. For more information on these subjects, visit our Social Media pages!


A: Our coffees are roasted in limited quantities because our coffee will stay fresh for approximately 3 months after the roast date. Due to our bean selection and roasting process, our notes are most flavorful about 30 to 60 days after roast. The bottom line is that as a member, you will always receive the most flavorful coffee the world has to offer delivered right to your door.
A: Pangea strives to ship out orders either the same day, or the following day. We only ship coffee Monday through Friday, no weekends
A: Shipping costs vary depending on where you are located.
A: Pangea Coffee only ships in the USA right now, but please contact us for any special requests.
A: YES! You will be their new best friend! When checking out, you'll be able to put the recipient's name and address for your shipping address.
A: You can at any time.
A: Not yet.

General Information

A: County of Orange
A: PR140287
A: In a Home Kitchen